The heaviest losses for the day for the XXVI Corps fell on Col. Elmer Wood's 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, XXVI Corps. The regiment with the heaviest loss by number of casualties was the 186th Illinois (3/1/XXVI) with 185 casualties at Rockport.
The Confederate brigade with the heaviest loss on May 6th was Brig. Gen. William Parish's Alabama Brigade. The heaviest losses by regiment were taken by the 34th South Carolina of Brig. Gen. W. C. Matheny's Brigade (3/1/II) with 191 casualties.
Several regiments were routed on the 6th, but they will be returned to the order of battle for the continued campaigning on May 7th, which will be starting soon.
- 1st Brig., Cav. Div., II Corps: Brig. Gen. Albert Holcomb, Killed in Action at Midway. Replaced by Col. William A. Dibble, 26th Arkansas Cavalry
- 74th Alabama Infantry: Col. Perry O. Hinds, Wounded at Rockport. Lieut. Col. Phillip Langan now commanding
- 76th Alabama Infantry: Col. Patrick Gilvery, Killed in Action at Rockport. Lieut. Col. Michael O'Connell now commanding
- 86th Georgia Infantry: Col. Benjamin Shames, Wounded at Rockport. Lieut. Col. Daniel Kane now commanding
- 29th South Carolina Infantry: Col. William MacKenzie, Killed at Rockport. Lieut. Col. Richard G. Mauss, Wounded at Rockport. Major Lawrence Shay, Wounded at Rockport. Capt. Hugh Rodgers, Company A, now commanding regiment.
- 186th Illinois Volunteer Infantry: Col. Richard Curran, Wounded at Rockport, Lieut. Col. John Doyle, Wounded at Rockport, Major Robert M. Jeffries, now commanding.
- 176th Indiana Volunteer Infantry: Col. Samuel B. Wilson, Wounded at Rockport. Lieut. Col. Francis Beck now commanding.