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27 September 2014

Resupplying Division Ordance Trains

All divisions will start with a division ordnance train that has 500,000 rounds of ammunition. As units run low or out of ammunition, they will replenish their ammunition automatically from the division ordnance train. When the division ordnance train is low on ammunition, it must return to a base of supply, which represents one of the army's supply lines. The bases of supply joining the supply lines are as follows:

Army of the Arkansas: Pilot Hill and Mt. Olive

Department of the Eastern Frontier: Lebanon and Yellville

For the purposes of the simulation, there will be no supply depot at the base of supply. Ordnance trains arriving there will meet other ordnance trains arriving along the supply line from outside of the campaign theatre. In order to be re-supplied, an ordnance train must spend the night at a base of supply and there may be no enemy present on the map associated it. If an enemy force is present (even a single cavalry brigade), the supply line will be considered threatened and ordnance cannot be resupplied until the night after the enemy has been cleared from the area (TC2M map).

If an unescorted ordnance train encounters enemy cavalry in the process of moving to a base of supply or returning to its division, it will be captured. Division Commanders may, however, detach a regiment from their division to guard the ordnance train. An ordnance train under guard will attempt to escape while the detached unit engages the enemy cavalry. When an ordnance train returns to its division, the any unit that was assigned to guard it will be automatically re-attached to its brigade.

Orders for an ordnance train to be re-supplied must be given by the Division Commander and include 1)The regiment (if any) detached to guard it. 2) The intended base of supply where it will be re-supplied. 3) The route that the supply train should take.

Supply Trains will move at the same speed as infantry corps.

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