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14 October 2014

A City on a Hill Cannot Be Hidden...

On the WIA Maps, houses and farms have a significant defensive bonus. This is because regiments at the house or farm would have been able to put men inside the buildings. Houses and structures in towns have the highest defensive bonus on the WIA maps. When fighting around a town, a unit that is in the town has a significant advantage over opposing forces attacking it from outside the town.
With Wiley’s Cove finally released, work has now begun on Lead Hill, which appears on some period maps and was just south of Dubuque. The Lead Hill map will feature several hills on a fairly open prairie with one creek flowing from one of the hills northward (towards the White River which is not on the map).  The town of Lead Hill located on the top of Lead Hill, giving a potentially strong defensive position.
Much of the area around the historical Dubuque and just north of Lead Hill was  flooded with the construction of the Bull Shoal dam that was completed in 1951. The WIA map for Lead Hill will have a creek that is named “Quarry Creek” in WIA, which now forms part of Bull Shoals Lake in 2014.  The WIA_Lead_Hill map should be released in the next week or so.
Here is a peak under construction (no trees, roads or houses yet)....

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