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02 November 2014

Heaviest Losses at Wilson's Junction

The regiments with highest loss by total men lost and by % of starting strength are as follows:

By Total Casualties:

1. 34th Texas (1/1/I/DEF): 274 men
2. 52nd Arkansas (1/3/I/DEF): 239 men
3. 75th Arkansas (1/3/I/DEF): 220 men
4. 67th Missouri (3/3/I/AOA): 214 men
5. 64th Louisiana (3/1/I/DEF): 212 men

By % of starting strength:

1. 24th Texas (2/2/II/DEF): 62%
2. 38th Texas (1/1/I/DEF): 60%
3. 52nd Arkansas (1/3/I/DEF): 49%
4. 17th Tennessee (1/1/I/AOA): 44%
5. 31st Louisiana (2/1/I/DEF): 43%

A few things can be noted:

The 34th Texas, 38th Texas, 52nd Arkansas and 75th Arkansas were in front of Richardson's Battery F, Kentucky Light Artillery. They routed two guns, but took a lot of canister.

24th Texas, 17th Tennessee and 67th Missouri were all committed during the rear guard action. The 17th Tennessee and 67th Missouri were not committed until the AOA I Corps was withdrawing and they were deployed to cover the withdrawal. The 24th Texas was part of the II Corps attack on the line at Wilson's Junction, which arrived when the rear guard had been deployed.

Curtis' Louisiana Brigade lost its brigade commander and has two regiments listed above. The were engaged against O'Neal's Brigade of Dupont's Division on the west and southwest slopes of the knoll at the at the eastern end of Buzzard's Roost Mountain and just west of the Wilson Fields.

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